We live in a day in age where you can't turn on a television or read a paper without seeing a negative image. In every media outlet you either see a murder, an act of terrorism, or other horrific events that makes many people think that the world we live in has nothing good to offer. What people don't understand is that even with all the negative images we see, there is still positive things happening throughout the world. People and other organization all over do their part to give the world have a more positive image, but are sadly overshadowed by all the negative events because of the fact that the media views stories of a dark viewpoint as being more newsworthy, due to the factor of human interest. You won't see a story about a charity event for a good cause or an individual doing something good unless you yourself are there to witness it, leaving people to wonder why there aren't more positive things happening in the world.
The objective of The Positive Room is to shed light on stories and events that gives life a more positive outlook. To be a place where you can escape the harsh "reality" that the media focuses on. Here you will see charities giving back, people doing acts of good, and other positive stories. The goal is to show a side of the world no one else will show. To show the positivity that world has to offer.