Thursday, February 16, 2017

California Man Helps Homeless Man Find A Job.

In 2016, it was recorded that there is 564,708 people in the United States that are homeless, 358,422 being individuals. At any given time, one of these individuals will humbly ask someone for spare change for food or to catch the bus. Some people will give and some won't. People nowadays are less likely to help someone who might be homeless because of the belief that they are "feeding off of people sympathy." But there are a few people who are willing to go the extra mile to lean a helping hand to someone in need.

Take California man, Adam August, who helped a homeless man find a job. August was at a Starbucks one day when he noticed a homeless man who he has seen on many occasions. On that day he decided to offer the man to have lunch with him. During their lunch he learn that the man, Tarec Atkinson, was a native of Jamaica who moved to the U.S. eight years ago. Atkinson spent the past year living in a tent alone and sometimes going days without food. August invited Atkinson to his apartment to shower, and later on arranged to drive him around to help him fill out job applications. August even bought him an interview outfit and helped him with online applications. Weeks later Atkinson landed an in-person interview at Safeway and got the job.

Many homeless people are not as lucky as Atkinson. You never know what people are going through when they ask for your assistance. Sometimes a helping hand is all that is needed.

Click the link above to see the full story and video.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing an article like this. It is important to highlight the good nature of humanity, and this post encompasses that. I especially like the topic this blog is achieving. I feel that it could be extremely valuable to a vast audience to showcase different stories of influential behavior from different parts of the country and what someone can do in their own local community. Taking the story of August's selfless act can be an example for a way that someone could make a difference. Positivity and having the means to pay it forward are incredible things to embody. It's uplifting stories like this that make me want to touch someone else's life in this way. Great post and again, thanks for sharing!

  2. Many people would be surprised as to how reading one positive post everyday can change their lives! This is an awesome blog, and I'm so happy someone dedicated a whole blog toward positivity. I feel like with everything going on now, it can get really difficult to focus on the good events that are happening everyday as opposed to the chaos. I really love your posts.
