Thursday, March 30, 2017

Online Clothing Store Raising Awareness For Missing Girls

Bursts of outrage and confusion has been all over social media in the recent weeks due to 34 girls of color, age ranging from 11-17, being reported missing with the month of march in Washington, D.C. with little to no news media coverage. With the somewhat lack of the news media, more people are taking it into their own hands to voice their concern for this tragedy, including an online clothing outlet that's continuously gains popularity through its social consciousness.

Served Fresh Collection is an independent clothing store that has been described as the brand with a purpose. Their clothing line are mostly based off social and pop-culture, but at times like these they show they have a heart.

Served Fresh Collection has designed a garment in the effort to raise awareness to the mysterious disappearance of the several teenage girls. This garment is a pink shirt with a drawing of a milk carton that reads "FIND OUR GIRLS" on front of the carton and "Missing 34 teenage girls ages 11-17 from Washington D.C." on the side of the carton. The artwork of this shirt is also available in the form of a sticker.

Served Fresh Collection stated that profits from the sale of this two items will donated to a legitimate effort to help return the missing girls. The items have been available for sale as of last week and so far in their effort they raised $2,239 and has helped raised awareness for these missing girls.

This is not the first time Served Fresh Collection used their market to raise awareness on a social issue. Back in July 2016 Served Fresh Collection designed a couple of garment to raise awareness on police brutality due to the growing number police shootings on minorities, mostly of the African American race. This included a black shirt and hat that read "Resist Or Comply, You Still Die."

The link below is a CNN story of missing girls in Washington.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Girl With Down Syndrome Asked To Prom.

Life is already a challenge for children with disabilities or special needs, and the people around them can either break them down or uplift them. This is especial true during their years as teenagers and students.

According to statistics, Children with disabilities are 2 to 3 times more likely to be bullied in the United States. Also children with visible physical conditions or disabilities, like cerebral palsy and Down syndrome, can be more likely to be bullied and excluded from social activities.

But there are always people who find the goodness in their hearts to not follow the crowd and be positive part of these children’s lives in many different ways. Including this high school senior from Newton, Kansas.

Shaedon Wedel asked his best friend’s little sister, Carlie Wittman, who has Down syndrome to prom. The whole prom proposal was recorded; Wittman becomes exhilarated as see Shaedon approach with a shirt that read “I know I’m Nacho your typical Dorito but... I’m going to be Cheesy and ask: will you go to prom with me?” The video was posted on twitter and has gotten plenty of positive feedback.

“Knowing her for seven years now, she’s brought nothing but joy to my life. Anyone who’s ever around her, she makes them laugh, she always has a smile on her face. She’s amazing,” Wedel said.

It’s heartwarming, selfless acts like these that can really have a uplifting effect on someone, no matter who they are or how they different they are.

Click link for the full story

Click link for the "Promposal" Video

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Sports and Our Youth

There are a lot of factors that affect the development of our young and teenage youth. But perhaps one that is mostly talked about is sports. Sports and other extracurricular activities have aid the development of youth both psychically and mentally. Some people even go as far as to say that sports saved their lives and that without it they wouldn’t be the person they are today.

Take for example, Jaime Miranda, a senior at Central College in Pella, Iowa. Miranda is co-captain of the college’s wrestling team. As a young child he grew up without a father, while his mother struggled to raise him and his sister. They were homeless at times and would even live out of a car. Miranda also ended up serving time in juvenile detention, until sports started stirring him into the right path. When he started wrestling on campus his temper would get the best of him at times. But thanks to his Coach and teammates, Miranda has developed greatly as an individual.

As a current college wrestler, I personally can say that I owe my present mentality to being a student-athlete both in high school and college. Before joining a sport I too was hot headed and in some people’s opinion hard to deal with. The sport of wrestling has humbled me as a person and taught me the proper discipline and self-control I desperately needed. Also throughout my time in high-school I has seen sports change my peers for the better. We see more examples of how sports programs can breed positivity for our youth and young adult every day in our own communities and hope they will continue to do so.